Blue Sea

It’s almost holiday time which means holiday nails are needed. Normally the nails I spent the most time on I’ll confess. This year it’s not just the nails that are different, it’s going to be a whole different holiday with the baba in tow.
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Having spent as much time in the sun as the little man has allowed the last few weeks I’ve managed to get a bit of a tan. Being from Scotland what I class as a tan is likely very different from the rest of the world but basically I’m no longer a similar shade to Casper the ghost.

Continue reading “Goldfinger”

Colour Blocking on a Sunny Afternoon

A few days of sunshine is all it takes to put a spring in my step and have me reaching for all the bright colours I can find. After spending a sunny afternoon in the park with my boys, I managed to tire them both out enough to steal a few minutes to paint my nails. This is now a luxury it seems.

Continue reading “Colour Blocking on a Sunny Afternoon”